There used to be a day when panels of experts would conduct focus studies to gain feedback on a product or service. These studies were only somewhat effective, because really, how many opinions can one gain from questioning a few hundred, random people? Now, with the help of popular social media sites, millions( yes, millions) of people are offering their opinions FREELY just because they can. This saves the company time and money and gives them access to the opinions of the general public, making it easier for them to improve their product or service.
Ask yourself” Have I ever reviewed a product, restaurant, service (electrician, plumber, etc.) on Google, Facebook, Urban spoon?” If the answer is yes, you have contributed to this shift in corporate operations.
Personally, I am not a very frequent online shopper but in those rare moments that I take to the internet to get some retail therapy, I Google search the product I am looking for. (Here is where Search Engine Optimization comes in handy, people.) When I’ve done my due diligence on Google, I then go directly to the site where the product is sold. Almost immediately, I find myself scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the page to read customer reviews. In my naïve, un-internet savvy mind, I used to believe that reviews were the mindless ramblings and rants of dissatisfied customers that have nothing better to do with their time than send e-blasts about the latest Apple product that didn't nearly meet their unrealistic expectations. Now I realize that this is where corporate America gets you. They see all of those ramblings and if the general consensus is that, “cake pops are a hot commodity,” (because Starbucks starts selling them) they then proceed to stock their shelves with cake pop makers and watch the profits roll in.
The bottom line is that Social Media has not only begun to
shape our personal lives and the way we interact, but also major corporations
and how they can develop and improve their products to serve the public. I see
it as a win- win situation. What are your thoughts?
Author: Tamara Carter
Dolphin Tech LLC. is an independent, web design firm that specializes in search engine optimization, personal, business, and corporate profiles, catalog production, ecommerce website design, and print media. Visit us @
Dolphin Tech LLC. is an independent, web design firm that specializes in search engine optimization, personal, business, and corporate profiles, catalog production, ecommerce website design, and print media. Visit us @